Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I decided to change the name of "Felted Mini Art Quilts" to "Felted Art Collectibles".  For awhile the first name just didn't feel totally right although it certainly was and is descriptive.  It felt like too many words.  A friend who has bought so many of them (dear, dear soul) is collecting them - four for each season - although she's heading for more for the winter.  I like the idea of collecting them and making displays for each season of the year - or an occasion.  Hence, the new name.

Now, here is the third of those original three obscure looking felteds.   By the way, the other two are up for sale at my SHOP! hint, hint!

This blue/off white one above this caption

Heeeeeeeeere IT IS!

I like to use this snowman - 

My Dollar Store Box

He's on the batting I use

I love his smile!  I made his mouth, eyes and buttons with french knots.  French knots are also on his hat. I wanted to add something to his bottom so he wouldn't fade into the snow - so I added to bunbuns.

He's pretty folksy looking and a bit vintage and nostalgic.  He certainly represents children and animals which should be very present during the holidays and winter.  I can see him in a child's room, too.  Of course, hanging out with other seasonal "Collectibles" is great, too.  Now I sounds like I'm promoting.  Well, that's alright - I'm being an advocate for Snowmen!

And of course, my dear friend snatched him up before he was on Etsy for too long .  Another one is finished this morning - birch trees, snow, river.  I'm painting the little easels white.  Thought that would be a good idea.  I had thought of decorating them, but I don't want anything to detract from the scene itself.

It's rather odd for me to be thinking of making Christmas/winter felteds.  We just finished Halloween - but one has to think ahead.  Problem is I have so many ideas going through my head *usually when I wake up* or *late at night*.  Then there's Thanksgiving!!  I refuse to felt a turkey - being a vegetarian I don't quite cotton to that.  But I also will NOT felt a ToFurkey, either.  (made one once - tasted like gluten in a pantyhose).  

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