Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mother's Day to all my Mom friends!!!!  Here are my flowers:
There were chocolates too - but I ate most of them last night and finished the others this morning.  These are from  my lovely daughter in Vermont and I got a lovely phone call from my beautiful Kentucky daughter and her boyfriend!

Last week's festival was crowded and HOTTTTT!  I went both days - crazy me!  Here a couple of pix:
As you can see, lots of people - absolutely crazy!


As I entered on Saturday, this young girl was holding this adorable goat - people were standing around her oooohing and aaaahing!  I think he/she's in the middle of a bleat (?).  Lucky, lucky girl!  I would love to be in a position to have one! - no, not a bleat ...a GOAT!

Here's a picture of the loom I bought (handmade) and my first little weaving.  I used some yarn I had and some new thread/yarn I bought.  I added a fabric button I had.
I saw other looms but they were big/expensive/AND confusing.  It's fun and therapeutic to do.  NOW, all I have to do is get it off of the loom and figure out what to do with it. 

I actually WON the April challenge on  MY "YUCCA FROGGA" WON FOR THE MOST CREATIVE!  Yipppe, yahooooo!  It is so wonderful to be recognized by fellow artists - as I have mentioned before, this is the greatest - above any sale!  I won an e-book of my choice (picked one on embellishing) and a coupon for $25.00 off of an embroidery hoop (very nice one).  Only problem with the hoop is that I have no use for, I've contacted the site to see what I can do about that - maybe give the coupon to someone else.  I'm thrilled and now will have to hang my FROGGA!

I did buy some wool batts and tussah silk and locks.  So many booths, repitition of goods...I didn't go wild - good going, Connie.  I did make a few connections and may join some other women for a show in November.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, this is my last post before my nose surgery...Yep, Wednesday morning I get a "tipplasty" - which means that the tip of my nose which is rather like a bumpy ball will be refined!  My nose is crooked, but we're only doing the tip - he will also see if he can do Whatever to make it look straighter.  I'm not feeling too weird about it - thank God I'll be in Twilight sleep and have the ole pain pills for later and my wonderful husband as nurse nanababe.  I'm not planning on putting any pictures on here - maybe something for fun later.  The doctor is wonderful as are his assistants - plenty of hand holding.  On JUNE 4th is the biggy - facelift - I'm really not putting any pictures on - educationally it would be cool - but has nothing to do with art - well, it is an art and Dr. A. is an artist.  Soooo, one step at a time!  I just hope I don't "FELTED" anything.

Think of my Wed. morning....I'll write later - but not under the influence of pain pills - would be funny, though!

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